Landlord Case Study: Abu Dhabi Mall

Abu Dhabi Mall, Abu Dhabi: As the retail landscape has rapidly evolved post-Amazon, retail landlords have been challenged with the task of successfully repositioning their retail portfolio and continue to grow footfall in a rapidly changing marketplace.

Haibu Space has partnered with the landlord to provide a strategically compelling solution for the landlord of this historic mall in the center of Abu Dhabi. As traditional retail anchor tenants continue to contract their leasing footprint, Haibu Space was able to step in and occupy a prime anchor unit to continue to generate anchor tenant revenues for the landlord while also driving tremendous annual footfall through the mall.

We managed the entire design and build process over a 4 month period and delivered a turn-key, flag ship Haibu Space branded location.

Haibu Space x Abu Dhabi Mall opened in March 2023 and reached 90% occupancy in the first 6 weeks of operations.

If you are landlord seeking to diversify your real estate portfolio revenue streams and reposition underperforming or vacant commercial space, Haibu Space has a proven track record of creating highly profitable solutions for UAE landlords since 2015.


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